Accenture interview Question and Answers


 Accenture interview Question and Answers

• Why did you apply for this job?

"I applied for this position because I am seeking a more challenging opportunity in my field. Your job posting was especially exciting to me because your organization is well known for its unmatched level of professionalism and growth opportunities. I would be thrilled to work for your company."

• Why should we hire you?

• What do you know about our company?

• What is it that interests you most about this job?

It's not enough to simply say “I'm a great fit for the role”. Instead, your answer needs to touch on your relevant abilities, skills and experiences as well as demonstrate your interest in the company. It's an opportunity to show why you're ideal for the job and why you're excited about it.

ExampleThis role really interests me because I’d be responsible for X, Y, and Z. In my current role, I manage X and Y, and I’ve excelled at providing X to various internal and external stakeholders. I’m keen to continue building on that success while also developing specialist expertise in the area of Z.

ExampleI also value the company’s long history of success in the market and recent innovations that are seeing significant market share gains. I heard about the issue with the distribution of ABC – I faced a similar problem in my last role, which we solved by rethinking the customer experience. I’d love to be able to contribute to something similar again.

Example: My previous experience and success would help me to achieve some quick wins in certain areas, including XXX. I’m also excited at the prospect of learning more about XXX. The company’s mission aligns with my own professional values and I believe I’d be a great fit culturally. I loved what I read in the recent article by the CEO about the initiatives the company is undertaking to ensure ongoing enhancement to culture and employee engagement.

• Tell me something about yourself, in less than a minute?

• Can you tell us more about your education and courses?

   your own answer

• What do you feel are your main strengths and how will they help you on this job?

   your own answer

• What are your main weaknesses and how do you work with them?

   your own answer

• How do you deal with stress?

I was recently assigned a last-minute project. Instead of panicking, I took a few moments to outline a schedule and map out my game plan. Then I got to work. I made sure to communicate my progress with my manager so that they could stay in the loop. If any problems came up, I looped them in so we could troubleshoot and continue to make progress. I was able to complete the project on time, and the client was thrilled.

Here's another example:

I don't like to let stress take over a situation. Instead, I like to stay focused on the task at hand. For example, if a client isn't happy with our product, instead of dwelling on it, I like to focus on proactively communicating with them. I like to get to the bottom of the issue, troubleshoot it, and then find a common ground that'll allow us to move forward.

Here's a final example:

I've found that a healthy amount of stress motivates me to stay on track and work as efficiently and effectively as possible. For example, deadlines are important to me. If my manager doesn't give me deadlines, I set them for myself. That's how I'm able to consistently turn in assignments on time.

• What is the biggest problem you have faced in your career so far?

   your own answer

• How does an ideal boss from your point of view look like?

My ideal leader is someone who cares about the opinions and ideas of their team members. I always appreciate it when a manager shows that they are open to hearing what their employees have to say. For example, at my previous job, my manager held monthly brainstorming sessions where she would require input from everyone. While these sessions were nerve-wracking at first, I quickly began to look forward to them. It was exciting to have my ideas be heard by the group, and I found that these sessions made me feel more confident.

Another leadership trait that I admire is when employers ask for feedback. While I think it is important that employees hear how they are doing, I think it is just as crucial for leaders to know how their teams view them. By implementing these changes, I think a lot of employers could better serve their teams and the company as a whole."

• For the next five years, what are your personal and professional goals?

   your own answer

• What keeps you motivated to do your best work?

   your own answer

• What do you like to do in your free time?

   your own answer

• What do you consider as the biggest professional achievement in your life?

   your own answer

• Have you also applied elsewhere?

   your own answer

• Would you be willing to relocate for this job/position?

   your own answer

• Will you travel for this job?

   your own answer

• If we were to hire you, how soon can you start?”

   your own answer

• Is there anything you would like to ask us?


  • What is the greatest challenge facing the company?
  • What are the company's goals for the upcoming year?

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